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What Is a Shooting Table – Definition

Shooting table is a photographic stand consisting of a curved surface that creates a smooth transition between the horizontal and vertical planes. It is usually made of plexiglass or frosted glass, mounted on a stable frame with a mounting system.
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Types of Shooting Tables

Shutterless tables come in a variety of sizes. Small models, 40-60cm wide, are ideal for jewellery and cosmetics photography.

The medium shooting table (80-120cm) is the most popular choice, ideal for most e-commerce products.

A large shooting table, with a width of over 150cm, is used for photography of furniture and larger objects.

The material of the shooting table is important for the quality of the images. Plexiglass, 4-8mm thick, provides good resistance to mechanical damage while keeping the structure light. Milky glass, although heavier, offers the best light diffusion.

How to Make a Shadow-Free Table Yourself?

A homemade shooting table can be made at little cost, providing a tool suitable for basic product photography. The key is to choose the right materials and carefully craft the structure.

Essential Materials

To make a basic shooting table, we need:

  • Milky plexiglass plate (3-4mm thick) or acrylic glass
  • Aluminium profile or wooden slats
  • Screws and wing nuts
  • White, flexible photographic material
  • Clamps for securing the material
  • Level

The most important element is the plexiglass plate, which should be 20-30% larger than the intended working surface. The material must be flexible enough to form a gentle curve between the horizontal and vertical sections, but rigid enough to hold its shape under the weight of the objects to be photographed. When buying plexiglass, ask about the material’s flexibility capabilities.

Building 🔨

Start the construction by preparing a stable base. The frame should be wider than the plexiglass panel by about 10cm on each side to provide space for the mounting system. It is important to level the base precisely – slight deviations will be visible in the photos.

The plexiglass plate should be gently curved and fixed to the frame. The radius of the bend is important here – too sharp can cause light refraction, too gentle will reduce the usable area (your small photo set). The optimum curve angle is around 90 degrees over a length of 30-40cm.

Shadeless Table 2.0

Once the basic structure is assembled, you can add elements to improve functionality:

  • Adjustable feet for levelling
  • Additional supports to stabilise the plate
  • Quick fastening system for backgrounds
  • Centre marker and auxiliary lines
  • Side shields to eliminate stray light

The home shooting table, although it may not match professional solutions, will successfully serve in product photography of small to medium-sized objects. With good lighting, it can produce images of sufficient quality for basic commercial use.

How to Light the Table?

Proper lighting of a shooting table is all about your controlled positioning of each light source. The main lamp should be at a height of 120-150cm, pointed at a 45 degree angle downwards. Position the side lamps asymmetrically – one at a height of 100cm, the other 140cm, both at an angle of 30-45 degrees to the surface of the shooting table.

The power of the lamps in the shooting table lighting system should be adjusted to the size of the objects to be photographed. For small subjects (up to 20cm) a total power of 800Ws is sufficient, for medium subjects (up to 50cm) we need a minimum of 1200Ws, and for large subjects on the shooting table lamps with a total power of 2000Ws or more are necessary.

How to Set Up the Camera?

For best results on a shooting table it is recommended:

  • ISO: 100 for the highest quality
  • Aperture: f/8 – f/11 for optimum depth of field
  • Shutter speed: 1/125s or shorter with flash
  • Format: RAW for full control in post-production
  • White balance: manual metering with grey card

Shooting on a shooting table requires precise selection of exposure parameters. At ISO 100, we achieve the highest image quality and minimal noise. An aperture of f/8 – f/11 ensures an optimum compromise between depth of field and diffraction. When photographing on a shooting table, it is also crucial to maintain a constant colour temperature – professionals use a light meter with a colour temperature measurement function.

What Will You Use the Table For?

The shooting table is widely used in professional product photography. In the e-commerce industry, it is standard equipment in photographic studios, enabling quick and repeatable shooting against a white background. Jewellery manufacturers use specialised shadow-free tables with additional backlighting systems to photograph shiny elements.

The cosmetics industry often uses advanced shooting tables with light polarisation systems to eliminate unwanted reflections on packaging. In technical photography, a shooting table allows precise documentation of product details while maintaining a neutral background.

Costs and Investment

The investment in a professional shooting table is a considerable expense, but it translates into quality and, above all, efficiency. A basic model of a shadow-free table costs between €200 and €400. Professional solutions with an advanced tension and lighting system can cost from €1000 to even €2000.

A complete lighting system dedicated to a shadow-free table is an additional expense of €500-€2000, depending on the power and quality of the lamps.

Test It!

Various challenges can arise when working with a shooting table. Uneven lighting is often due to incorrect lamp positioning – precise adjustment of the angles and distance of the light sources from the surface of the shooting table is key. Above all, you need to understand light and what effects it produces.

We solve the problem of reflections on shiny products by using cross polarisation – a polarising filter on the lamps and the opposite twist on the lens.

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